Pause & Reflect

Pause & Reflect

“Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you.” John .C.Maxwell on the Law of reflection.

I have had a busy start of year (it has not eased up); i have had my fair share of stress streaks, clenching of fists at God  for supposedly not giving me strength when i am weak or holding me back from a stupid idea or statements.

I have been caught up in my schedules and life; i forgot what it means to PAUSE and smell the air , smile at the thoughts rummaging through my wardrobe of a mind .

It`s refreshing to pause and recoup; you summon strength to  evaluate your goals each month, reflect on the past month`s happenings. Ever wondered why you never achieve goals you set? It`s simply because you never have time for them. If at your workplace you carry out quarterly reviews ,then why not carry the same principle into your personal life?

Take time to reflect on your goals and every event that goes on in your life. This will keep you in check to know what to cut out plus what and where to put emphasis. Your life matters ; if you are like me and you enjoy sorting out other people along with their problems -Pause right there and MIND your life.

You can neither fix people nor their ideas .Stop trying to fix people ; this might work for Olivia Pope but that`s because her character is made up for our entertainment.

It`s already hard fixing your own self so why add other people to your fix-it list?

I have learnt that i can`t fix people ,it takes  too much of  your energy. God loves His people and surely has a plan for all of them .Life will not get less busy however in the midst of Mr and Mrs busy;you need to stop and enjoy the moment. Its the simple things in life that make it worthwhile; enjoy the sunrise and sunset -take it in.Smile more when in that taxi and don`t be quick to talk back at that annoying conductor.

Pause and allow growth to catch up with you. live ,love and enjoy life.

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