Cook and Eat with chef Gloria Nakyajja

Cook and Eat with chef Gloria Nakyajja

I have a love-and-hate relationship with cooking. It’s one activity I proudly say I don’t like doing yet you will find me in the kitchen trying out new recipes. My bestie- Agatha always shares recipes which I try out at home much to her surprise. Haha!

My saying, I hate to cook is a rebellious streak because growing up, we were expected to cook ‘good’ food and the elders would only say thank you when your food has been voted best dish of the day! This was a very traumatic experience. Years later, I still fear cooking food least people don’t say thank you and I get triggered.

Chef Gloria

I love trying out recipes and I was delighted to attend Chef Gloria Nakyajja`s Cook and Eat class last year at Forest Cottages, Bukoto. I enjoyed the experience of cooking meals I don`t normally make at my home and in a different space with others.

Tikia with Grace made the class more colourful.

We each stood behind our cooking spots which constituted of gas cylinders, frying pans and ingredients.  The menu was steamed rice served with chicken stirfry with bell peppers and cashew nuts accompanied by a garden salad. We started off by making steamed white rice and seasoned it with white pepper.

Next, we chopped up the chicken strips and marinated them with garlic, ginger, black pepper, salt and soy sauce.

We put the chicken to brown in oil with cashew nuts (This is brilliant. The cashew nut flavour is mouthwatering.). We topped up the meal with a garden salad. Follow the video recipe on the Eat and Cook Youtube channel.

Garden salad

This being a Cook and Eat Class, we ate that which we had cooked!!  

If learning how to cook is part of your new year`s resolutions, I highly recommend Chef Gloria.  She is currently running holiday makers classes every Tuesday at Kiwatule Recreational Centre. 

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