Sudden Happenings#2

Sudden Happenings#2

As I penned my final exams at Makerere university in May 2014,I knew I wanted five months of rest because I felt I had exhausted every fiber of my body and now pampering  was my new agenda.

Suddenly ,I was offered an internship placement at Kyusa!!!!!Pampering was not top priority anymore .

I didn`t pray for the internship placement to come that soon; i wanted it to come after my 5 months of pampering .funny!huh??Sudden happenings don`t have a looming mark of arrival; they just drop like atomic bombs in world war 11. When they drop , it`s either happiness or sadness.
Good things happen when we least expect them.It`s like praying for something to happen in a month and it happens months later .By this time, you have probably forgotten  and lost heart.Then suddenly, the answer comes your way bringing fulfillment and joy.

Luke 18:1 emphasizes that, “men ought to pray and not lose heart.”But what happens when I receive what I have prayed for; do I still need to pray?

Prayer is not about God granting your requests but it`s about intimacy with the Father.The giver of the answer is more important than the answer.The relationship with the giver of the answers is very important and must be given utmost attention . 

Intimacy is irrespective of whether i get an answer in prayer or not.Intimacy with God can never be substituted for anything.In any case,intimacy with God ought to be a priority at all frontiers.

Know whom you have believed in and let prayer be a lifestyle ;not a one off when you  feel you need more of God because you lack tuition, food, transport, and other needs.

God loves you so much that even before you ask for anything He already knows and you know what-He has already provided. Learn and study the word of God  in order to embrace His principles .


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