Rest Month

Rest Month

I go to a church called Worship Harvest which currently has 11 locations (follow the FB page for full details)

At Worship Harvest, June is month of rest otherwise known as rest month. It’s a month where we don’t meet for our Missional Communities, choir rehearsals and any other church meetings except Sunday garage.

I have fully utilized June as my month of rest.
I have had time away from my phone ,books (I intentionally didn’t read for two weeks when I was on leave.Instead I caught up on blogs and YouTube channels) and I have spent time with friends plus so many other things.

I finally visited a friend who started a business a while back. I had been promising to visit the site forever.

I have had time with myself, to think and plan for the coming months, assess my friendships, assess the people I allow to speak into my life as well as the people in whose lives I speak into.

I have had time to read up on ideas I had written down and know how to proceed with them. I have visited Fort Portal with friends, held good conversations. I have had extra hours of sleep.

I can confidently say I’m ready for the next half of the year.

With the hustle and bustle of our lives, we need to rest,pause and assess where we are at, oil ourselves for the next journey when fit and in good condition. Rest gives you an opportunity to do more of what is bringing you joy and happiness while cutting out what’s been breaking you, causing you stress and strain.

Have you had time to rest? How do you rest?

©Racheal Kizza 2019

4 thoughts on “Rest Month

  1. Wow… Some of us duty calls on many fronts. But on the general, yes I too have had some real “chillaxing” time out. Its been fruitful, but I know we need to incorporate rest into our everyday life.
    However you choose to rest is up to you, but rest.
    Nice one Rachael

    1. I know and totally understand. I’m glad you have had some time to relax. It’s true, how we choose to rest is up to us. Thank you for reading Winnie. Much love❤❤

  2. This is beautiful Keez. Rest should be fundamentally integrated into our lives and sometimes it just needs that decision. Otherwise we live a life where you can be busy, whenever, wherever about whatever.

    I love my rest time nze.

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