Life hacks for 2020

Life hacks for 2020

Happy New year.

How is 2020 so far? Are you ready with your resolutions? Have you started on them? The month of love is about to knock out January.

I usually watch hacks on the internet, especially clothes hacks and I used to do some of the things in the videos until I got busy with life. They were fun. These days I pay attention to facial mask hacks, because we gotta maintain the glow in 2020.

So today, I want to share with you a few hacks for a great 2020.

Life hack  according to Wikipedia is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life.

  • Know what you want. Define it and Go after it. It`s not enough to know what you want but you`ve got to be committed to it too.
  • Be a person of your word. Let your yes be yes and your no, a no. Be willing to say yes to your goals, as well as to things, and people that challenge you. In the same breath, be willing to say no to anything toxic and doesn`t add value.
  • Keep time. In Uganda we have a belief that time keeping is for white people. Try to be early for everything this quarter, if the year is a stretch. lol!! To all my friends, I shall keep time this year too. hehe!!
  • Ask questions and gain understanding. I’m that chic who always asks for clarity because who likes grey areas?
  • Have a financial talk with yourself. I have already had my financial talk with two amazing friends and I feel ready to fulfill my 2020 financial goals.
  • Invest in yourself: this looks different for different people. In my world, I plan on attending trainings or workshops that will add value to my life, hang out with people I love, travel, practice self-care.
  • Take a break. Last year, I had to take breaks often to rejuvenate, gain strength for the journey because you can`t run for 365 days without rest. I took a break from social media, blogging, usual routines, slept in more, people, traveled here and there. We all need that rejuvenation.
  • Create patterns but like Tony Evans says, leave room for God to interrupt them.

When most people set resolutions, it’s more of a wish list for what they desire to accomplish in the new year. But we all know that wishes never unlock any kind sustainable accomplishments. So instead of wishing, develop patterns to support your goals. These are the following patterns you should consider developing:

-Morning routines (wake up time, first things you do and a consistent time to leave the house if possible.)

– Day patterns (Segment your day into sessions, plan for periodic breaks, water breaks, social media time & time to connect with loved ones…)

– Evening routines (consistent patterns that you follow before you sign out for the day e.g journaling, reading…)

Remember the key to developing patterns is consistency.

-Noeline Kirabo (Follow her on Facebook for daily inspiration.

  •  Pray over everything. I have been reading Sophia`s heart by Lori Wick and it reminded me so much about praying about everything.

Share with me some of your life hacks for 2020.

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