June reminder#1

June reminder#1

We are 8 days into June, half way the year already!!! I am amazed at all the things I have accomplished but most especially the ones yet to be accomplished. I feel like the year is playing the “catch me if you can” game.

I love new beginnings and I am definitely excited about June because it is another opportunity to see the goodness of God and still achieve every goal that seems far fetched even when you are a Messi of sorts.

Over the past 5 months, I have heard good news from my friends about what is happening in their lives . Some are getting married, others are having babies or have had babies, slots for job promotions, new job status, business start ups, taking on new personal development goals , travel goals………….list is endless.

I am genuinely happy and excited when i get a phone call or message with such news.However, when your stuff is seemingly not working out , you fail to be happy for others. You just can`t see past your pain and failure. I have been there and i know that feeling TOO WELL.

Don`t allow your  raging storm to cloud your shine. Purpose to be genuinely happy for others and know that the sun will shine on you just like it shone on your friends. You might just be the sun in the lives of others even when your storm is raging.

Let your June be about you and other people. Smile through that storm and know it is for a season. Be genuinely happy for other people even when your all is breaking loose.

Revelations 12;11“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”

I am encouraged when i hear what is happening in other people`s lives.

Be encouraged for He is the same God. Don`t give up, keep achieving every set goal and enjoy life while at it. 

Desire to hear other people`s testimonies , there is underlying encouragement and rejuvenation.

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