Day 9 of #BOTY2019: Drink

Day 9 of #BOTY2019: Drink

When 2019 began, I made a healthy living resolution. One of the things I vowed to do was zumba, stay away from processed drinks,stay away from junk and processed foods. I went ahead and  cut out soda and her sisters and cousins and maintained a glass of wine once in a while. I did Zumba for a while until I got busy and turned to walking more than ever.

I`m a tea person and this has been my go to drink this year.I couple my tea with mukwano tea bags,Kericho gold tea bags (they have a variety of spices),Kisubi ginger,and try out other tea spices to keep it fresh and exciting.


What has been your go to drink this year?

6 thoughts on “Day 9 of #BOTY2019: Drink

    1. ????? my love for coffee is still growing. When it occupies a deeper part of my heart, I will definitely add it without hesitation.

      Thank you for reading ??

  1. Been trying out different lattes, mochas and other coffee drinks this latter part of the year. I have love the experience, but teas were a favorite for me too. Especially rosemary tea.

  2. I like the teas too especially lemon grass tea. My favorite drink is a sweet coconutish cocktail at the Kurb, I don;t remember the name though.

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