Be Bold for Change

Be Bold for Change

8th March is here and we are celebrating International Women’s day.
The theme for this year is bold for change ;what does this mean for all girls and women out there?

For any change to occur, bold steps have to be made.

Times have changed, as women we have a voice though it is lost in stereotypes ,tradition and other mambo jumbo.
Don’t get me wrong,I am not against tradition; however I believe in many ways tradition embedded in our culture stands as a blockade for women today.

However, there are women making history each day with what they are doing :some silently ,others on the big screens and receiving worldwide recognition.

I watched the lunch hour news on NTV, there was a story of a one Ms.Kawooya in Luweero who provides a cup of porridge to primary school children.

She decided to take this bold step when she noticed some kids didnt have porridge while others did.And we all know studying on an empty stomach is the worst thing to happen to mankind when in school.
She offered to provide porridge to kids whose parents couldn’t afford the ONLY MEAL they had while at school.

The school has reported an improved performance in last year’s PLE results. She has plans of rearing chicken so she provides each child with an egg in the near future.

Ms.Kawooya doesn’t get paid to do what she does however she has realised that bold steps have to be made for change .

Government can’t ,won’t and will not do everything.
Individuals can change lives if they commit to it right where they are with whatever resources they have.

The reality is,women’s day is going to end and we will have another theme next year.
Question is what will we be doing between now and the next women’s day?Can we make bold and smart steps to be the change we hope for?

The key is in being consistent not just picking up activities and initiatives just because women’s day is here and we need to be seen on social media platforms as doing something.

Be bold for change; join forces with those making bold steps like 40 days 40 smiles, Kyusa,volunteer,give of your time,money and any other resources.

Be consistent in all you commit to do.

#Be bold for change.

Racheal Kizza © 2017

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