27 onto 28

27 onto 28

So today, I turn a WHOLE 28 years old.I`m getting closer to the 3rd floor and I am as excited as I am scared. I want to share with you some lessons I`ve learned over the last few years. The lessons could be more but I chose 27 as I step into my 28th season.

Here we go:

  1. Have a belief system. As a Christian, my belief system is hinged on/in Christ. Everything I do has a background to the bible. My values are formed by this.
  2. Find your calling and purpose and pursue them wholly. This answers the why, reason for your existence. Take it a notch higher and invest in your purpose.
  3. Don`t be afraid to say NO! When I had just started saying NO, it felt strange on my tongue and left me wondering if the person I had said it to, still loved me, liked or even wanted to be my friend.
  4. Don`t criticize what you aren`t and can`t do. This lesson has been my motto since 2018. Appreciate the fact that someone woke up and did their thing. Hope you are doing yours too.
  5. Mind your own business. Chile *in Sarah Jakes Roberts voice*

Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. You’ve heard all this from us before, but a reminder never hurts. – 1 Thessalonians 4:11, MSG

Image source: Sarah Jakes Roberts
  1. Have a healthy support system. I emphasize healthy because the support needs to be balanced. These friends cheer on, celebrate you but also call you out when you are doing foolish things, rebuke you ,ask you the tough questions and you do the same for them.
  2. Read extensively. Forget the notion that, if you want to hide something from an African, put it in a book. Reading keeps you alive and on top of your game. Reading gives you insight into a world beyond your physical environment.
  3. Speak up-Know what you want and speak up. Speak up against things you don`t settle well with you like injustice, sexual harassment, corruption, foul play, et cetera. But also speak up for things you like and love.
  4. Die to opinions of men. I know in Uganda we are raised with the, `What will people say?’ line. It`s crippling and you need to outgrow it.
  5. Support your friends and their hustles. It doesn`t have to be monetary all the time, broadcast their businesses, share their posts on social media, advise them when things aren`t going well, etc. Help them build their empires and careers.
  6. Mentors are gold, find one. Mentoring sets you on a path of discovery, adventure, helps you push your limits and achieve over and above what you expected. I encourage you to find a mentor. I have had a privilege of being mentored by amazing people.
  7. Acknowledge good things and dwell, savor them. We easily acknowledge bad things.
  8. Don`t settle for less. Always aim for more and the very best.
  9. Make that money and don`t apologize for it.
  10. Have boundaries and respect them, others will too. In return, respect other people`s boundaries.
  11. Keeping time is a thing. Dear Ugandans, it’s not just for bazungu –white people.
  12. Run your own race and avoid the comparison disease.
  13. Celebrate small victories/wins. These make up the big wins.
  14. Spend time with people you love.
  15. Travel. It is therapy. Start with small tours of the places nearby and go on expanding your territory. Don`t let people`s Instagram posts get you broke. Travel grows your perspective on people, cultures, mannerisms and a wider view on life and the world.
  16. Seasons are part of life. There will be summer, winter, autumn and spring. Grow through all the seasons. Embrace them.
  17. Practice letting go. It is a painful process but one that has to happen. Sometimes we have to let go of longtime friends, clients, lovers, clothes and pieces we acquired over time.
  18. Be generous with your resources.
  19. Practice MDD. I said it. lol!! Listen to music, its therapeutic. Sway and dance to that beat. Welcome drama, not every drama is 100% dramatic. Some has lessons, fun, revelation and so much more. Live life to the fullest.
  20. Don`t give up on love. Sometimes being in love hurts but pain has never stopped its beauty. Love wholeheartedly and unapologetically.
  21. Self-awareness is bae. Know thyself well. What makes you happy? What do you believe? What makes you sad? Be honest with yourself on every level.
  22. Enjoy being alone but not lonely. I have learned to be with myself and still be comfortable. Years ago, I had an itch to be with people all the time but I`ve learned to be alone, have quiet moments and still be comfortable. Try it.

Here is a bonus;

Don’t hinge your happiness on other people.

Share with me some lessons from your years of living.

13 thoughts on “27 onto 28

  1. Let’s start with wishing you a happy b’day. Congs.
    Now, i have tried to being that healthy support system to my people. I best do it through writing. I create my life lesson blogs, up load them and share the links but just as well, I convert then to PDF and share them via WhatsApp and the feed back is always awesome, the debates generated are always beautiful. It’s the best way I can give back to so many people out there.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Thank you Marvin. Your support system way is unique and I like it. Glad your lessons are well received and generate debates and all. That’s pretty awesome, cool and every nice thing to go with it. Thanks for passing by my lane.

  2. Happy 28th dear one, I remember mine like it was yesterday. Well well, I think that everyone is as healthy as their soul is. Taking care of my soul (Emotions, Mind and your Will), tending it and prioritizing it is the best thing that has happened to me. It has helped me know that before all the things that I can and want to do is me, and I am important before all these things. It is noteworthy for everyone to take a pause and answer the question, how is my soul? I am trying to keep up with the checks and balances in nurturing me as The Lord is overall seer helper.

    1. Thank you Fifi. Much love to you. Prioritizing taking care of you, is one of the best things ever. I love it and I like the way you keep up with your soul.
      You give what you have.????
      Thank you for this great lesson and for being in my corner always.

  3. Awwww, this is bae information. First things first; Happy birthday darling. You are loved! This article is not a one time read, will be referring to it several times. My take home is “seasons are part of life, grow through them; don’t criticize what you are not doing /can’t do; and don’t give up on love.

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